Kindly fill the form below with your complaint/query
Personal Information
Name *
Company Name *
Address *
Pin Code*
Landline:  STD code *  No*
Mobile No* +91
Your Email Id *
Please put Email ID’s below of other users whom you would like to keep updated on this Support Ticket
Email Id 1
Email Id 2
Email Id 3
Email Id 4
Printer Information
Printer Brand *
Printer Model No *
Printer Serial No *
Problem *
Description *
  Please press "Submit" once only. You will get a "Support Ticket No" displayed on the next page.

In Case "Support Ticket Number" is not seen after submitting form, please check your mailbox first if you have received the "Support Ticket No".

If you have received the "Support Ticket No" then your call is logged.
In case you have NOT received "Support Ticket No" in the mailbox then only re-submit the Form.